Holy Ground
Have you ever thought about the term Holy Ground? Have you ever really considered what that means. Now I know most believers think "Oh Holy Ground" "the church right?" But if you take a deeper look at the term you gain a whole new respect for the word. in Genesis God created Heaven and Earth, and thats what I want to talk about. He made Earth and all things and He said " it is Good". Now just think about that He said it was Good. Now if its Good then it cant be bad Because God is Truth and he said it was good. So lets think about this for a minute..... Go ahead
Now lets look as Moses for a minute. How many Times do you think he walked past the spot were the bush was. He was A shepard, he probably walked past that area a thousand times or more not thinking anything of it. One day he walks past it and stops the bush is on fire and speaking. The bush (God) says "take off your shoes you are standing on Holy ground". Now Had a discussion with a good friend about this and her and I agreed that was Gods way of saying this is how you approach me and that makes sense, but what i continued to think about was that If God made the ground and said it was good, Is the ground already Holy? Another question. wow they just keep coming.
So as I continued to think about this I remembered that back when i was a small guy and in sunday school that my sunday school teacher would tell us that God is allways around us. And that is something that made sense to me even from a young age, but it strikes a cord with me now. If the Earth was made and declared to be good and Gods very presence necesitates holiness then (and stay with me here) and God is around us 24/7 whether we sense him or not does that make the ground we stand on Holy?
because if it does then everything we do takes on a new meaning and gives a new perspective to our daily lives, how we handle conflict, how we work, and how we play. Lord let us do nothing but please you and let us be sensetive to your presence so that we will realize that the ground we stand on is Holy. Amen.
just some thoughts.
wow, that is a really cool application. I have done some exegetical studies on Exodus 3, and I distinctly remember commentators who said that the ground was holy only when the bush was on fire because that was when God was there (I think they called it spatial holiness or something). And, I agreed with them because I had not taken this line of thinking to its real end. But, you are right.
I think again you are getting at the idea that there is no difference between the secular and the sacred; all of the earth, all of our lives are sacred because they are God's and God is among them and in them. Therefore, we must give all of ourselves to Him.
alittle while ago we went on a retreat and during this time we realised that the main purpose of our very existance is worship. therefore as long as we are existing we are suposed to be worshiping. worship is an intimate moment with God who is holy. then if that is so, shouldn't we all find a holy "spot", mark it and never leave? i guess you just answered my question. when we can only have an intimate moment with God in each others presence, then we having been created to worship 24-7, nomater where we are or what we are doing we truly are on holy ground.
again in Isaiah 6 the seraphim hails The most high God and says that He is HOLY and HIS GLORY FILLS THE EARTH.
wow!!we have been on holy ground. Dear God, forgive me for my ignorance. thank You for Your patience when we trod and tainted holy ground. may we live a life of worship in Your holy presence.
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