A Repainted Faith

Chaising God

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

out side the box.

I was thinking the other day as I was standing around at work (working....) that most of the time when I have a particular idea or a passing thought about something that I ussually take the safe route. Now what i mean by that is that the "safe route" way of thinking is not taking a risk. I think that this requires a little more explination.... every day in all our lives we play it safe we do not take any risks. And we choose the path of least resistance. Now going back to what I was saying> I ment that even in my thoughts I was doing this. Whether it was a passing thought or an idea to do something...
Why even bring this up?
Well lately God has been dealing with me on things with regaurds to where I think ill be in say 5-10 years and were He is taking me, and quite frankly it scares me to no end... To me this isn't the "safe route", but I recieved some conforting advise from a friend. He said basically that I should set back and enjoy the ride and that God isn't going to jerk you around, (and im paraphrasing a little here) but that was the jist. So what Im saying is that no matter how in the box our thinking is, be it about ourselves or our future direction.... God is always thinking out of the box or at least our box. No one has any idea the blessings that God has instore for those who have a willing heart and love him to no end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travis, that is quite interesting and very true. as humans and especially due to the times ,circumstances and things we have been bred arround, we learned to look ahead and make rational decisions especially those that affect our lives.it may seem alittle selfish, but not quite since everything we do ripples to everyone arround us. those we hold dear to our harts and play a major role in our lives. however God wants us to trust Him completely with everything including our very lives nomatter what. one of my favorite verses is in James 4:7. part (a) talks about submitting ourselves to God. "submission" means total surrender of control.not only when we are forced into a corner and have no other choice, but also at times when we have the oportunity to take control. God gives us visions and goals of what He has planned for us , most of the time these seem impossible and they rationally are, but to The Almighty, they are not. we find ourselves living day to day, but thats ok because that is what we are promised. one day at a time witnessing and experiencing God's might and awsomeness first hand ever single day.
I love road trips, not necessarily because i want to meet long lost friends who live at the other end of the country!! but the fun moments, challenges, scenery and all those things i encounter along the way. i'm glad they havent come up with a teleporting machine just yet.
through life we experience hard times, temptations and such. all we have to remember is that the battle has already been faught and won. God wants us to not only enjoy the fruits with Him, but also the many victories He enjoys along the way. talk about sharing all His got!!!so why worry when you know that you win. hey i would "set back, and enjoy the ride" too. everything is under control right?i guess no pressure on me. just show up, do my part trusting that He knows what He is doing. after all its not my show, not my battle!Thank God The one i want to do my best for, The one i love with all my heart, has my best interest at heart.

11:39 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

Travis you are scaring me! But, I say YES.

I don't think Christianity is a safe route. If we follow the logic of Paschal's wager, then Christianity is a safe route.

Sidenote: Paschal said that if we follow God, we have nothing to lose because even if God does not exist, then we lose nothing but if He does, then we "win"; but if we don't follow God, and He is the real deal, then we lose everything.

But, I don't think this was Jesus' logic. I mean the way of Jesus is like totally counter-cultural, revolutionary and challenges putting our identity in anything besides God Himself. It is often a call to homelessness in pursuit of the Promised Land. But, then we get confused as to where the promised land lies.

Where are we going to be in 5-10 years? Who in the world knows? I don't have a clue, but I know that God does. This isn't a safe route; Jesus' way isn't a safe route. But, we all like to be comfortable, don't we?

I say forget Paschal. Who cares if there is no heaven. I would rather have one day in the midst of God's glory than thousands of days of just existing (remind me to talk more about this).

Lord, please, help us. Bless You. Amen.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Travis said...

I thank you both for you comments and sorry to scare you derek..you should be in my shoes... I liked the logic behind what you are saying. We do all try and take the safe route but you are right.Gods route is radical and full of surprises things we never knew were possible suddenly become possible. When we just become the vessel that he desires that we be.to Ben thanks for your coments as well. You are always a deep thinker and I apreciate the perspectiveyou give this topic.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

you are not scaring me (per say), just more or less shocking me. I really never thought I would hear you express such thoughts. It is really cool though.
it's like we've got this choice betweeen the blue pill and the red pill (The Matrix). One leaves us in ignorance and "bliss"; the other leads us down a bottomless rabbit hole to who knows where? That I think is scary, to open ourselves up to it is unsettling.
But, most of us prefer to get lost in the obscurity of a false reality (and, if I put it that way, that sounds pretty scary too).
Anyway, I don't know what your shoes are exactly, that is, I don't know exactly where you think God is taking you with this thing. but I know that you are an awesome guy and that God can work through you in amazing ways no matter where or how you serve.
we believe in you.

4:41 PM  

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