Every day we go about our daily lives and hope we are not inconvenienced by any one that seeks to steal a little time from our busy little agendas. We have our day laid out to a “t”. Our goals for that day are all we see, all we want to see I should say. The question I want to pose is “where do we fit God in?”
There are some days that I am so busy and find myself more focused on my goals and agenda for the day than on what really matters. What I find funny about those days are the moments when God shows up. Now I am not saying that he wasn’t there to begin with because he was and is, but what I am saying are the moments when he chooses to give us a glimpse of his splendor. Ill give an example. One evening I was out walking the dog and it must have been around ten at night and the air was very crisp. The only thing I could think of was “I wish he (the dog) would hurry up and do his thing”, as I stood there I began to find myself looking up in amazement. Now I have seen the night sky a thousand times, but this particular time I was in awe. It was beautiful and God reminded me right there “I made this”. So there I was staring at his creation while it screamed his very presence. These are the types of moments that I am talking about. On my busiest day while all I wanted to do was to get “the dog” back in the house, God just wanted a little of my time, just to be in relationship with me. God wants to be apart of everything that you and I do not just the “set aside prayer time” that so many of us have (not that, set aside prayer time is not important”, but he wants more than that. He wants you to interrupt your life and see what he has to say about something. Think about what I am saying here. The creator of all things in the universe wants to spend time with you. He wants to be a friend to you, someone you can talk to when there is no one else there. In all his Creation you are the very created thing he chooses to apply his grace and mercy to.
So if that sounds like a good thing to you (and I can’t see why it would not) give it a try. The Bible says in James 4:8 “come near to God and He will come near to you”. Stop for a second and focus on Him.
Your writing continues to become increasingly eloquent.
Hope that you feel better soon. Happy New Year!
Hey Travis, B just showed your blog site. So it's all about relationship with the living God, and not about the form and ritual? Elegantly simple, yet utterly profound. This is God's purpose, to be intimate with His creation; mankind that is destined to be His bride. Great thoughts and life-changing truths that we ponder here!
Whatever God's plan and design He has for you, He will reveal it to you. You will know in y our "knower", deep inside, what He wants for your life. Launch out into the deep. He is there!
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