This machine.....
A Note to the Reader.
(Well its time for me to show my true colors and where exactly that my passions are. I said that to a friend the other day regaurding this blog entry that i had brewing in my mind. Some of those that read this may not have any interest in the subject matter that I am going to discuss and that is very ok. We all have different interests and we all feel an inclination towards one subject or another. that is truely the beauty behind our design in the body of Christ. we all perform a different function some are called to be pastors others are called to lead in drama ministries while still others are called to be missionaries and so on. So if this is not your cup of tea dont worry,but this is where i feel that God has placed a deep passion in me.)
Well I guess I should start by apologizing for the scare (a note to the reader) the only reason that I did that was because when I usualy get a chance to talk to people about this I get the strange I dont really care look. So the Topic is this machine. And what i mean by that is the human creation. And being more specific the human organism.
The bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that all we are is basically dust. Lets look at the first part the "fearfully" part. The human organism is an extremely complex system of systems all reacting interdependent on one another, one system fails they all fail. Take for example the circulatory system. This system consists of nothing more (so it would seem) than a series of tubes, some water, some empty cells that have some iron for some purpose and a pump. if this system fails then all systems fail slowly. So here comes the "fearfully" part. upon a closer look this system really consists of (a series of tubes) which turn out to be a series of interconected cells that are all comunicating with each other via a whole host of other chemicals processes, the (water) turns out to be a little more than just water its really water with a whole host of other chemicals that all serve there on individual purpose, some to fight invasion of the body, some to signal those previously stated cells ( making up the tubes) and some small particles that are there to offensively attack intruders. and in this concotion of fluids are blood cells containing intricately woven series of amino acids that form many protiens containing iron (for some reason) and now that pump we were talking about. the power house behind the whole system. A series of specialized cells that all pulsate to the same beat which cause the big heep of them to contract causing the fluid to move. The fearful part is that that is just scratching the surface. I could go into great detail but my fingers would start to hurt from typing.
Now lets look at the "wounderfully" made part.
Here we have this Human organism a Conscious and deliberate creation. A series of systems built on other systems that work togather to keep itself running, that is simply nothing more than dust. Thats the "wounderfully made" part. the part that says that we are dust. This design this creation known as man and all its fantastic inovations that allow it to function are designed.
Now some would argue that initially man was perfect and that these systems that we speak of did not exsist and where not necessary. I would say to those people what ever you are comfortable with. but if that were true then we sould be even more amazed at this designed machine because if we are fallen creatures and we were designed perfectly initially then when the fall occured the design be grace still exsists, just altered by sin. dont misunderstand me sin is bad, but God and his wisdom makes all things work to accomplish his purpose. So "thismachine"as I so lovingly titled this entry, is fearfully and truely wounderfully made, there is no other thing that has been created that harbors such a wealth of complexity that is utterly and simply beautiful.
if God can do all that with just a little dust (and then a rib from man's side), what might He be capable of doing through us?
One person (like a Billy Graham, i.e., a person who was used by God for the salvation of thousands) said something to the effect, the world has not seen what is possible through a life fully surrendered to God.
It is amazing how simple and yet so intricately complex all of life is. I mean the body is made of, 80% water, and you spoke of a few tubes and a little pump (i guess...our veins and the heart). And yet, the composition of these things and the importance of their functions and the vast network that is vitally interdependent makes for such a complex system. It reminds me of life. I mean, it's all about God and God is love . But, then when you start breaking that down and talking about how love applies to life and the ways in which we must show love in situations where we would rather claim for ourselves or fight for ourselves or care only about ourselves. All of a sudden, it gets real complex and difficult, and we realize our interdependent we all are on one another and especially dependent on God.
We truly are fearfully and wonderfully made. How could it be so simple and yet so far beyond our grasp?
to derek. one word Amen, that was exactly what I was thinking while I was writing.
i guess katherine was right when she said something about us always knowing what the other was thinking...i kind of like that
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