A Repainted Faith

Chaising God

Monday, March 27, 2006

Accelerator- A substance that increases the speed of a reaction.

There is a growing hint of excitement in the air at the church I attend. Its not just the new building program that’s about to begin or the feeling that you get when you know a good speaker is going to speak (because if the speaker is good then God will do something) it is an excitement that is not tide to an individual or a pastor or a group of people for that matter. It is an electric atmosphere. The question that arises out of this atmosphere is “What is God up to?” there is a change taking place in the church. It’s a movement of Gods presence and will, which is changing people. Not only that, but there is a hunger in the air A genuine longing to be in His presence.
I was speaking to the youth group this past Sunday morning and I was telling them this and I said to them “don’t be afraid to go after him”. “Don’t worry about what anyone else has to say about it or what they may think of you. Go after Him.” I say this to them, but I remember no to long ago feeling the same way they do. We tell them to no worry about others, but they do and so did I. I remember a couple times when I was attending my parent’s church that I felt the powerful tug of God on my heart and it made me uncomfortable so I ran from it. Now I say it made me uncomfortable but what I mean is that I felt found out, found out by his glory and I did not like that so I ran and ran hard. I ran to get away from him and of course couldn’t and would not want to now for anything. My point in bringing that out was to say that there is a unique environment in place for young people. And maybe it has always been there and I am just now seeing it, but the hunger is there. I know the hunger is there because it’s so heavy that you can sense it. They long for a relationship with him but the longing is confused for other things like a relationship with a boy or girl or a substance like alcohol.
Someone posed the question “how, now, do we help them get caught up in the river? of God. Anyone who has tried to start a fire knows that it can be extremely difficult to get going, and usually we cheat and pour a little lighter fluid on it and light the match and stand back all proud of our accomplishment. How much harder is it for a person to be “set on fire” for him. So with that said the question no longer remains “how, now, do we help them get caught up” because the accelerator has already been poured on the wood, it becomes who strikes the match to set it ablaze? To often I think people think that it is their job to try to pump God up and to help light a fire in people for him and then when all our best efforts fail we can’t understand why. I think that we don’t understand that the excitement is not about us and it never was and never will be. Only God can strike the match that starts the fire. For those of us who do understand that fact it is merely our job to pour on the accelerator and wait for him to strike the match. I count myself lucky that he trusts me with the accelerator, his word.


Blogger Derek said...

That has always been my struggle as a leader in ministry...when do I step back and when do I push people to jump? I have, for the most part, leaned excessively to the don't-push-too-hard side and have not encouraged youth to jump. I appreciate your encouragement to them. I know that I do this because of my over-reaction to seeing so many others who try to pump God up, which is why I push the idea that it is not about us, it is about God. When people truly get it in their hearts that it is not about them but about God, then they will not need to get pumped up.

And, yes, I agree that the Word of God is an accelerator. And not only that, it is the foundation, the motor upon which it all runs.

Thank You, Jesus, for fanning into flame the gift that You have deposited in us.

2:58 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

I like what Ben and I were talking about the other day. We are like the wood and the Word of God is really like gasoline (an accelerator). We may pour it on and pour it on and nothing happens. But, if the wood is saturated enought, when a spark is lit, the fire will blow up. That is what Ben and I want to do, blow up with so much of God, for God.

7:52 AM  

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