Chasing Him.
So lately I have been reading "God Chasers" and I haven't gotten to far into the book because I am tring to read "Blue Like Jazz" at the same time, but I can say with out a shadow of a doubt that I like the idea of being a God Chaser. It was a new way to look at a relationship with God for me. I have always heard "its a chase". I heard it from my current pastor and from others but I really never put two and two together. sounds stupid huh? seems so obvious. but not for me apparently. So the author talks about the time he almost caught him. He was talking about (for anyone who has not read the book) that at one specific service where he was a guest minister that Gods presence was so heavy in the place that the air was hard to breath and that just when he thought the place could hold no more of his glory that more of God just kept flowing in.
I thought to myself as i read this WOW, Have I ever experienced this? and the fact that I had to ask ment no. And im not saying i have never experienced His presence, just not to that degree. So then I got to thinking about do I truely have an idea about his glory and what he can do, so I have come to this strikingly obvious conclusion.
nope.... I have no idea what he is capable of and what he is capable of through a willing vessel.
I mean you read about what he has done and you can see where he has been but what if thats just the tip of some gigantic ice berg. What if theres more than that?
A friend of mine has a blog that talks about "looking for more" its linked on mine under shop students (check it out), but When he first came up with the title or the theme (and this is the theme for the youth group that i am a part of) It clicked a little with me but it resonates hard with me now. I said earlier that you can read about where he has been and the things that God has done but what we change our focus a bit instead of looking where he has been and the things he has done, what if we focus on where he is now, what he is doing now. I think there are alot of people out there that are tiered of just looking at where he has been. I think the "looking for more" theme says it all. We are looking to be where he is now and to be in his presence, to seek his face not just his blessings. And the one very cool thing that comes from that is the "chase". the thing that grabed me in "God Chasers" was when we persue him he turns to us and we become the persued. I never thought about it that way...
So Chasing him, I think thats what he is after and If i should dare to say your heart. because I think once you start to seek him there is no going back because he is now chasing you as well.
Its a beautiful Collision when you catch him.......
I think that is what happened with Tommy Tenney. He was running after God and then God started running after him. It makes me think of the fire and God consuming every part. It's like we are wood and He is fire and the more wood we put on the fire, the more His fire spreads and grows and lights up the sky.
I have been thinking a lot lately about knowing God, especially as the thoughts flow from Phil. 3:10-11. To know Christ in the power of His resurrection, we must first know Him in the fellowship of His sufferings (the cross). Because how can we know the blessings of the resurrection until we die? Nothing can be resurrected that is not first dead.
So, we try to run after the blessings of the resurrection and say that we are running after God. But, running after God is doing nothing but that. We are not after anything, we have no agendas or sly motives. We don't come with agreements or bargains or contracts that if we seek God, then He will do some miraculous feat for us. We just want to know Him. We just want Him. If there were nothing else. If we never had anything else, God Himself (His Presence, His glory) are enough. He Himself is our hearts desire.
Lord, please, help us to seek You and Your Kingdom first. Help us to really want You more than anything else. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
You know what the truly sad part about it is? That people want to know him and want to chase after him, but they look for that in other things. things that they make their own god, and all the other things that they catch only give them a temporary reprieve from there true hearts longing...A moment that seems like it lasts a life time, a moment where they catch him and he catches them.
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