A Repainted Faith

Chaising God

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Every day we go about our daily lives and hope we are not inconvenienced by any one that seeks to steal a little time from our busy little agendas. We have our day laid out to a “t”. Our goals for that day are all we see, all we want to see I should say. The question I want to pose is “where do we fit God in?”
There are some days that I am so busy and find myself more focused on my goals and agenda for the day than on what really matters. What I find funny about those days are the moments when God shows up. Now I am not saying that he wasn’t there to begin with because he was and is, but what I am saying are the moments when he chooses to give us a glimpse of his splendor. Ill give an example. One evening I was out walking the dog and it must have been around ten at night and the air was very crisp. The only thing I could think of was “I wish he (the dog) would hurry up and do his thing”, as I stood there I began to find myself looking up in amazement. Now I have seen the night sky a thousand times, but this particular time I was in awe. It was beautiful and God reminded me right there “I made this”. So there I was staring at his creation while it screamed his very presence. These are the types of moments that I am talking about. On my busiest day while all I wanted to do was to get “the dog” back in the house, God just wanted a little of my time, just to be in relationship with me. God wants to be apart of everything that you and I do not just the “set aside prayer time” that so many of us have (not that, set aside prayer time is not important”, but he wants more than that. He wants you to interrupt your life and see what he has to say about something. Think about what I am saying here. The creator of all things in the universe wants to spend time with you. He wants to be a friend to you, someone you can talk to when there is no one else there. In all his Creation you are the very created thing he chooses to apply his grace and mercy to.

So if that sounds like a good thing to you (and I can’t see why it would not) give it a try. The Bible says in James 4:8 “come near to God and He will come near to you”. Stop for a second and focus on Him.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The desert

As the warm wind blows and the
Sand gathers round
I’d give anything so as just to be
To know you by heart, to feel your embrace.
But this desert I’m in is a dry restless place
I have heard your voice at night. A soft whisper as it grows.
Who am I to be worthy of the wonders that you hold.

I am still and I am quiet.
Wondering are you still there.
Am I alone in this desert and do you even care.

Then a gentle whisper comes and says
Be not afraid.
For I am your shield and strength
And I am with you always………

The way you travel is narrow but your steps I have planned.
I go before you in this desert for I have numbered every grain of sand.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

out side the box.

I was thinking the other day as I was standing around at work (working....) that most of the time when I have a particular idea or a passing thought about something that I ussually take the safe route. Now what i mean by that is that the "safe route" way of thinking is not taking a risk. I think that this requires a little more explination.... every day in all our lives we play it safe we do not take any risks. And we choose the path of least resistance. Now going back to what I was saying> I ment that even in my thoughts I was doing this. Whether it was a passing thought or an idea to do something...
Why even bring this up?
Well lately God has been dealing with me on things with regaurds to where I think ill be in say 5-10 years and were He is taking me, and quite frankly it scares me to no end... To me this isn't the "safe route", but I recieved some conforting advise from a friend. He said basically that I should set back and enjoy the ride and that God isn't going to jerk you around, (and im paraphrasing a little here) but that was the jist. So what Im saying is that no matter how in the box our thinking is, be it about ourselves or our future direction.... God is always thinking out of the box or at least our box. No one has any idea the blessings that God has instore for those who have a willing heart and love him to no end.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Holy Ground

Have you ever thought about the term Holy Ground? Have you ever really considered what that means. Now I know most believers think "Oh Holy Ground" "the church right?" But if you take a deeper look at the term you gain a whole new respect for the word. in Genesis God created Heaven and Earth, and thats what I want to talk about. He made Earth and all things and He said " it is Good". Now just think about that He said it was Good. Now if its Good then it cant be bad Because God is Truth and he said it was good. So lets think about this for a minute..... Go ahead
Now lets look as Moses for a minute. How many Times do you think he walked past the spot were the bush was. He was A shepard, he probably walked past that area a thousand times or more not thinking anything of it. One day he walks past it and stops the bush is on fire and speaking. The bush (God) says "take off your shoes you are standing on Holy ground". Now Had a discussion with a good friend about this and her and I agreed that was Gods way of saying this is how you approach me and that makes sense, but what i continued to think about was that If God made the ground and said it was good, Is the ground already Holy? Another question. wow they just keep coming.
So as I continued to think about this I remembered that back when i was a small guy and in sunday school that my sunday school teacher would tell us that God is allways around us. And that is something that made sense to me even from a young age, but it strikes a cord with me now. If the Earth was made and declared to be good and Gods very presence necesitates holiness then (and stay with me here) and God is around us 24/7 whether we sense him or not does that make the ground we stand on Holy?
because if it does then everything we do takes on a new meaning and gives a new perspective to our daily lives, how we handle conflict, how we work, and how we play. Lord let us do nothing but please you and let us be sensetive to your presence so that we will realize that the ground we stand on is Holy. Amen.

just some thoughts.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Have you ever read a book and it challanged you so much in how you thought about something that you just wanted to throw it across the room? Well it is my hope that this Blog will result in the same kind of reaction. And Don't get me wrong its not a negative reaction but a positive one. A reaction that makes you think that maybe,just maybe I have been looking at things through a small set of lenses. And just maybe that there is more to this thing this faith called Christianity.